Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Socratic Seminar Essay

Today you will complete the essay portion of the Socratic Seminar. It will be 2 pages, double-spaced, and should include a separate bibliography (does not count in the 2 pages). Your paper should be in size 12, Times New Roman font. You will also be graded on mechanics, such as paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.

Your essay should include the following components:

Character portion
--Introduction to your character’s private (family) life
--What is you character famous for? What is their greatest accomplishment?
--How did your character make her/his money?
--How does s/he feel about offshore drilling? OR How do you think they would feel?

Offshore Drilling portion
--What are some products made from oil/petroleum?
--What is offshore drilling?
--3 reasons why it is good
--3 reasons why it is bad
--What do you think about offshore drilling?

When you are done, you may check out what offshore drilling really looks like. I found a cool article complete with pictures and diagrams. There is no assignment associated with this link. Click here!


Imani said...

Oh man Mr.Dunn.
I hate offshore drilling.
They are killing the environment underwater. Not to mention we do eat fish! Well I don't because it's nasty, but I do like fish. =[

anthony5 said...