Friday, October 9, 2009

3rd Quarter, Blog Post #1

Today you will view a few websites dealing with recycling. Check out the links below and answer the questions that follow.


1. Most people agree that recycling is a good thing. Why, specificly should we recycle glass?

2. Which is better: recycling or reusing things?

3. How can Fayetteville residents recycle?

4. Where is the closest recycling drop-off center to your home (or our school)?

5. List 9 things plastic can be made into once it has been recycled.

6. List 5 things metals can be turned into once it has been melted down.

7. What can you do to promote recycling?


When you are done, you will work in groups of 2-4 to create a recycling poster. You will ultimately be in charge of your poster, but it should include some minimum criteria:

  • 5 facts about recycling

  • At least 1 graph (pie graph, bar graph, OR line graph, etc)

  • Tell people what and/or how they can recycle

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